29 week update on the little one

She's growing a lot -- all the women in my yoga class yesterday went "oh wow!" (ou la la!) when seeing my protruding belly. And she's preparing for the D day, already!! a little early I know...my doc apointment was last week and he was able to feel the baby's head meaning that she's already head down with her back to the front of my belly and feet dangling up there, mainly to the left. That means there's a lot of pressure on the cervix already and isn't ideal according to the doc. I sort of freaked out after the apointment but since then been reading about other babies positioned early (i'm 29 weeks) and still going full term. I really hope she's going to hang in there a bit longer! i'm working on talking to her and bringing her up through yoga and relaxation so we'll see...I go to the doc on Monday again to check up on things. Fingers and toes crossed:) Otherwise weight is still on check, not one pound/kilo since last apointment which is amazing considering the belly growth. But I'm now dealing with more fatigue and annoying heart burns in the middle of the night, thank god i got a good sirup which seems to work. The other upsetting thing was that the doc told me we couldn't take this last little trip (we were hoping to go to Normandie with my parents visit other family and see the beach) but I have to avoid car trips. A little strange I think given he told me i could still walk and i would have thought walking was bumpier than car driving but what the hay! I'll do what's best for the little one and take it easy.
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