Lily and Charlotte
Lily is now almost 2 1/2 year old and she is wonderful - most of the time! She seems to be adjusting well to Charlotte although i'm sure it will change as Charlotte becomes more interactive and looks more like a little person. She of course doesn't understand she's going to grow to be like her. But it's sweet to hear her ask about Charlotte, wanting to see her in her seat or the monitor, asking me to go take care of her...
Lily has changed a lot recently! as I think of how she was even 6 months ago when we moved to Madison, it's a world of difference. She can make sentences and speaks a lot better although it's still hard to understand what she says a lot of the time and she's still behind in this area. I'm confident she will catch up to her peers soon though. She can be so sweet, asking me to play with her, giving hugs and kisses, dancing or running around the house. There's nothing better in the world than her laugh! But she can also be quite challenging, saying no to everything. I know it's part of the 2 year old behavior but it's also her personality to be so strong headed. The worse part is getting up in the morning. She does NOT want to get up and that after 11 hours of sleep. I have to literally battle with her to get her out of bed which is such a pain! I'm hoping she will get out of it when the weather gets better because I'm going to go nuts! She is also trying to drag the night time book reading routine so she doesn't want to go to sleep and she doesn't want to get up! oh boy! And then there's potty least favorite developmental stage so far. She just refuses to try, doesn't like to go to the potty, doesn't even tell me she needs to be changed when she poops which is pretty amazing and drives me nuts! Let's hope we get there also when spring comes because she needs to be potty trained to go to preschool...fingers crossed.
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