My big belly

my journey back to france after 12 years in the US
It's been such a long time since i blogged! I was just really busy with work in the fall and got out of the habit i guess but i'm back!!...Although i wanted to dedicate a post to the announcement, what the hell I just can't think of anything to talk about because it's the main thing on my mind right now...I'm 15 weeks pregnant!!!!!!!!! woohoo...i'm really excited especially now that i feel better. The first trimester was pretty tough with the constant nausea, tiredness and those horrible headaches. But it looks like i have gone over those nasty symptoms, my energy's back and everything is ok with the baby the doctor says. No need to do a amniocentesis which i was so scared about. The only thing is that i gained too much weight--5 kgs so far (!!), the doc says only 1 extra but i'm confused as to how he counts how far along i am. Anyhow what could i do? eating was the only thing that would prevent me from throwing up the first 3 months so i just ate! but healthy stuff so I have the feeling i did the right thing, for my baby --wow! saying those last 2 words is tripping me. Although i have a belly already and i have heard her/his hart beat several times at the doctor it's really hard to grasp the notion that there is a little being in my belly right now...such an incredible feeling!