Lily the lovely
She just turned 3 months on Tuesday so it's time for an update!
-She weighs 12lbs and 12 ounces and measures in at 22.6 inches which are in the normal to upper growth ranges for her age
-Her tonicity is excellent according to the pediatrician. She holds her head up very well and she especially likes being on her tummy looking around or in a seated position with a pillow supporting her back. We sometimes put her on the sofa with us in the evenings while we watch tv and she just loves watching it with us, it's so funny to watch little lily up on her hands and tummy watching tv - i know tv isn't the best developmental tool but i figure she's too young to know anything about what she watches, she just likes the different colors and moving images...
-Her eyes are turning green although there's still some blue in them for now at least. Green is the likely color given her dad and i both have green eyes.
-She gets super excited seeing one of us approaching when she's in her seat: she kicks and kicks with her legs and arms and a huge smile illuminates her face all the way up to her eybrows!-She greets me with big huge smile when i go pick her up in her bed every morning, if i'm lucky i also get to hear her little talk...the "aahhhh", eeeehhh" and 'boooo" she's been doing for a while but she's added a few other little babbling sounds -almost bird sound like- which i can't reproduce but are just to die for
-She loves stretching and moving her head and arms around while laying on a flat surface, and being on her tummy and she's been rolling over from her tummy to her back now for a while. In fact, it's so cute i can see a smile perking on her lips when i turn her from her back to her tummy...
-She's been playing with a little bunny hanging over her seat but now she grabs her and brings her to her mouth. She also knows how to flip pages of a book which amazes me! i read her this little book (goodnight moon) which has really thick pages and she likes to grab them and flip them as we go. I know she doesn't understand it's a book and why to flip pages, she's just interested in things that move but it's very cute to see.
-She also loves being up in our arms (of course) but wants to be held with her tummy and face against our bodies. She will cry if we move her facing out, it's really funny to watch...From her favorite position she will look around on the sides while holding her head up.
-She sleeps 6 to 8 hours at night on the plus side but on the not so good side she makes a huge fuss every night before sleeping. She's always had issues in the evenings since she's very little but it had gotten better and we thought we were done -but no!, it just got worse over the past week or so. She now screams when i put her to bed after the last feeding or she falls asleep for a little bit only to wake up soon after and then it's just crazy! she screams and screams until we take her in our arms and rock her to sleep. It's exhausting! and painful to watch! i don't know why it's so hard for her in the evenings but i hope it's going to get better SOON!
-She still eats every 3 hours, sometimes she asks after 2 hours, other times she will hold up for 5 hours if she has taken a nap. I absolutely love breastfeeding and i really hope i can continue for another 2 months exclusively as the pediatrician has advised. We just share amazing moments snuggled up against each other and she seems so happy and content then, it's one of the best surprises of motherhood for me.