Lily walks (pretty much)

Already over 2 months since the last post...Our lily's 13 months old already! We celebrated her 12 month old big birthday with a lunch and a big cake. Her grandparents came along with my sister and her little cousin Adelia and her god-father/god-mommy, our friends Jeff and Jayne. We sang her happy birthday and everyone clapped and she did too at the same time, it was so cute!
She now pretty much walks on her own now although she likes to hold on to one hand --but one only! she will let go of another hand if it's offered:) she definitely know what she wants. She loves to walk, would do it non stop if she could but she needs to rest from time to time too.
She's a cute, happy little girly but she's also very strong willed, which is good but can be challenging too. She now has the habit of screaming --awfully loud--when she's upset or wants something or someone to pay attention. I know it's because she cannot speak yet but it's pretty difficult at times. I really hope it's going to go away once she starts to speak!! So far she only says "dadda" which she's been saying for a really long time, and "mama" although less often.

She now starts going to daycare a few mornings a week, it's good for her to be around other children and gives her something else to do besides being in her play yard. She cries at first when she has to leave me but she gets over it quickly which is a relief. We've also started a good routine of reading a little bit everyday after lunch and before her nap and I enjoy that very much.
We just went to the beach a couple of weeks ago and she loved it! she would walk into the waves, she would have gone up in the water all the way up to her chest if she could have. We still go to the swimming pool every week so she's really used to the water and loves it!
She still has pretty big cheeks and loves to eat! in fact she screams every time her food is finished! We've got a gourmande girly:)