More pics and about today

Today was a full day as i also had my first apointment with a midwife at the hospital where i'll be delivering. It's a small maternity with only a few rooms and there's a real neighborhood feel. The midwife (the "head midwife" in fact:) explained how they try to keep everything as "natural" as possible, not pushing anything on women, not even suggesting an epidural if they don't want one. Apparently their rate of epidural is only of 45% which amazed me (!) and that of C-sections is 16% so that's a good sign. I might be crazy but i'm considering the no epidural option...don't know maybe i won't be able to hold up to the pain and be screaming for it but i'm going to prepare in that direction. So it was good to hear the hospital is going to be supportive if i choose to do that. They also let women wander around, walk, squat, do whatever they need to go through labor, their motto seems to be as little